Tips on Successful Mobile Home Roofing Installation


If you want your roof to last long and provide maximum protection to your mobile home for years to come, proper installation is a must as well as regular maintenance. Do-it-yourself mobile home roofing is practical and saves you money from installation costs. However, make sure that you follow the correct procedure in roof installation.

While installing roofs on your mobile homes, remember these practical and useful guides to ensure your safety and the best result from your work.

1. Working on the Roof

Walk near the edge of the roof when walking on the roof because that is usually the strongest area of the roof. For additional safety precaution, use a plywood or boardwalk when walking on the center of the roof.

2. Proper Use of Ladder

Ladder should be extended by at least three feet above the roof for convenience and safety. It is easier to get on and off the roof with the extra ladder protruding on the side of the roof serving as handhold. Secure the ladder with rope or other fastener to prevent accidental slippage while you are climbing.

3. Scaffolding for Convenience

Use a scaffolding instead of a ladder when you are installing foam closure strips or insulating the roof cavity on the edges of the roof. It may not be safe or convenient to use a ladder when doing this part of the work.

4. Wear Protective Gears

Protect yourself from dust and other fine materials when cleaning insulation. Blowing insulation produces dust that is harmful to the lungs and irritating to the eyes. Wear protective gears such as gloves and respirator to protect your health.

5. Preventing Fires

Avoid installing combustible materials within 2 inches of flue pipes. Mobile home flue pipes should have at least double or triple walls. Install extra metal pipe sleeve and metal collar at the ceiling or use noncombustible materials such as fiberglass to further contain the warm surface of flues.

6. Cleaning the Roof

Clean the roof before applying any sealant as the compound will not adhere properly to a dirty roof. Brush away any dirt, leaves or twigs that have settled on the roof. Once it is clean, look for cracks and holes and apply the sealant. Avoid walking on the roof while applying the sealant to ensure maximum adhesion. Use a ladder for those hard-to-reach areas.

7. Apply Sealant Twice

Double coatings are always better than one. Apply the sealant twice on the roof but allow the first layer to completely dry off before adding the second coating. Using a roller is preferable since you do not want to step on the roof while applying the sealant.