How to Keep Your Tampa Roofing Critter-Free

critters in tampa roofing

Critters living in the ceiling of your Tampa roofing will likely cause damage to your house. A more serious risk is the threat that they pose to the health of your family. There are several ways to keep your roof and ceiling free from rodents and other unwanted critters. We listed the most effective and mentioned those that are not proven to work.

Habitat Modification

Rats are found to be sensitive to changes in their environment. They could move elsewhere and do their activities in other areas by introducing modifications or changes in their habitat. One of the best ways to affect habitat modification is through general sanitation.

  • Do not leave food in the open.
  • Store garbage in rodent-proof plastic containers.
  • Place materials properly.
  • Remove food and water sources, including birdfeeders, pet foods and water. Rats require water source, especially during hot weather.

Roof rats travel from one house to another using branches, vines, fences and wires. Drastically reduce their mobility by eliminating these aerial pathways.

  • Trim shrubs and bushes that they can use to hide.
  • Remove ground plants that reach at least one foot high.
  • Prune crowns of palm trees and remove dead leaves.
  • Trim the branches so that they do not reach down to the ground.


One of the most effective methods to prevent rats from entering your house and residing in your ceiling is by blocking their points of entry to your home. This is called the exclusion method.

Rodents enter houses through every possible entrance such as an ill-fitting garage doors, utility wires that go through the building or through pipes. They can go through even small openings and easily climb through windows. You must seal all possible entry points to your house.

Seal any openings that might act as entry points for rats. Use copper or steel wool, concrete mortar and wire mesh to seal the opening. A metal flashing for wider openings may also be used. Closely examine your roof to look for possible holes.

Rat guards are effective in foiling rodents from climbing up trees and walls. They are made from metal sheets that are at least 18 to 24 inches wide. They prevent rats from climbing up because of their smooth metallic surface.

Ineffective Methods

Chemical repellants and electronic devices that employ lights, and sounds are not recommended methods to keep away critters from your roof. There is simply no evidence showing that these products, sold as animal repellants, are effective in keeping away critters from your ceiling.