Basic Points to Consider in Building a Roof Deck in San Diego Roofing
Roof decks in San Diego roofing not only add visual appeal to a house but also enhance its functionality. Homes with roof decks are generally pleasing to look at and at the same time offer additional space on top that may serve as a recreation area or extra living space.
Building a roof deck in San Diego roofing is a big challenge and should be given careful consideration. Before constructing a roof deck, consider first the following guidelines:
Size. Determine beforehand the area that you will need for your purpose in building a roof deck. Similar to bare rooms, a deck looks big without furniture. Once you put in those chairs, table and a small cabinet, you will be surprised at how the size of the deck suddenly shrank. The use of a good design and optimization of material usage can add a few more spaces to the deck.
Shade. Decks facing east will face away from the sun in the afternoon and offer a cool place to lounge on. Consider how the sun will shine when choosing the deck’s location and plan accordingly. You can plant trees that will provide shade to the deck in the afternoon. With little planning and placement, trees can be valuable source of shade.
Skirt. Enhance the physical appearance of the deck by using lattice below the deck. It serves as a skirting material for plants to climb up the deck. If the deck is high enough, you can use the space below as storage area.
Fasteners. Instead of nails and screws to fasten the boards, you can use hidden fasteners for a clear and smooth deck surface. Fasteners, however, entail more labor. If you decide to use screws, you can choose colored screws to match the overall design of the deck.
Level. The flooring of the roof deck should be leveled all throughout. You can do this by not placing step downs at the door. A leveled roof deck will look like a part of your home’s living space thereby effectively extending the living space of your house. You can also better plan the arrangement of your furniture on the deck because of the space. Too small a space will no longer be useful.
Stair Location. Proper stair placement is important to create harmony with the house and yard. Steps leading to the right when the yard is on the left is not practical. A good advice is to place the stairs within the deck rectangle to eliminate placement problem.